Episode 240
Evolution of Video in Learning
The medium of video transformed drastically since it was first invented, but there’s one thing that hasn’t. Regardless of whether you’re creating entertaining or training content, storytelling is at the heart of video.
The CEO of Cinécraft, Dan Keckan, heads up a learning solutions company that’s been around since 1939! As one of the first corporate training film companies, Cinécraft has evolved alongside the technology changes in video to become a training solution truly fitting in with the modern age of learning.
We welcomed Dan on the show to share a little backstory of the company and what he thinks has changed most about video as a learning medium. Dan emphasizes the importance of story above all else and shares his view that video training has increasingly moved away from passive productions to more interactive, gamified, and scenario-based learning models.
He also shares his take on where he sees video changing in the future and how generative AI is likely to impact learning design going forward.
Learning points from the episode include:
- 00:00 - 02:20 Introduction to Dan and Cinécraft
- 02:20 - 03:54 Dan’s number one tip for using images or video
- 03:54 - 06:30 The evolution of video and how Cinécraft has changed since 1939
- 06:30 - 08:24 How industry changes led Cinécraft to adapt their approach to storytelling
- 08:24 - 11:26 How Cinécraft thinks about learners differently today
- 11:26 - 13:56 Dan’s predictions for the future of learning design
- 13:56 - 18:29 How the role of video will continue to change
- 18:29 - 20:37 Dan’s favorite production in the Cinécraft archive
- 20:37 - 25:07 Speed round questions
- 25:07 - 26:18 Dan’s final take
- 26:18 - 27:25 Outro
Important links and mentions:
- Connect with Dan on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dankeckan/
- Visit the Cinécraft Website: http://www.cinecraft.com/
- Subscribe to Cinécraft on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Cinecraft/